Gift PremiumUpdate! I have a new pump up dick! It is wonderful to feel the weight of a rigid hard on! Plus the benefit is it stays hard no matter how many times there is an orgasm! Look for more pics and vids! PS, ask me about it! Sharing sexual experiences is what I love ! Watching Porn is a favorite pastime but I'd love to share the experience with a fun like minded adults and find out what really turns her on. Phone sex with a receptive gal who'll gladly share her orgasm. Cum in my ear and let my tongue take you over the top.. PS as of June 1st I have a new pump up cock! It can stay up until I deflate it. Come ask me about fucking! I can Guarantee everyone I am grateful to view your posts of Pictures and Videos Thanks to all
- 74 years old
- Male
- Joined 16 years ago
suthernlover's Blog
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Thursday, October 12, 2017, 8:23:26 PM- MY SECRET DESIRES | ||
FINALLY I decide it was time. I had hinted, asked for, begged for, her to give up her anal pleasures and each and every time the answer came as fast and loud as lightening! NO! That is a one way street. I had become obsessed with having her hole for my gratification but the Southern Gentleman in me wouldn't allow me to just take it without regard for her pleasure as well. But I still had to figure out a way to get what I had been craving. EDUCATION! Eureka that is the ticket! I ordered a booklet from Adam & Eve and when it came in I read it,, devoured it, and understood it in one sitting. Now I'd become sneaky... We'd make love each night and when we were done I would lay back, pickup my (instructional Manual) book and begin reading and when done or taking a break leave it on my side of the bed or pillow (so she didn't have far to reach it) This went on for weeks and weeks. I could tell not long after I started this that she'd begun sneaking a peak and finally asking me what I was reading... then I caught her reading it and couldn't get it back... I became anxious and during a weekend fuck session It finally hit me.... Show her what I had learned .... We had dildos and vibrators and random other toys that we used regularly and I chose one long skinny hollow dildo that was supposed to be a strap on with snaps for the strap but no strap. I waited until she needed a break and needed to use the bathroom to screw up my courage and set up the toys with lube. As she came back in the bedroom I started lubing up the toy. She asked, "What are you going to do with that?" My look said just wait!!! I turn my butt toward her as she sat on her side of the bed. I began to use the excess lube on my fingers to circle my tight hole and slowly ease one then two inside, MOANING as I did gaining her attention. I made quite the production sliding the shaft threw my growing gate to internal pleasure as I did that I began to stroke my cock looking into her eyes and shifting to an open knee'd sitting position so she could see my Cock, ball, and dildo fucking me ass ... I offered the end of the toy to her to use and help give me a huge orgasm. I was hooked as much as she was from then on!!! | ||
Monday, October 9, 2017, 7:49:09 PM- MY SECRET DESIRES | ||
It all started long ago with desire to satisfy myself. I was having a very satisfying sex life as a newly married man but wanted something I'd never had before. As with all the other things we had tried they all come as suggestions that has sprung to life during very hot sessions when our libidos were working in overtime. Like the time we were both getting over wrought with desires as we were traveling down a long straight Texas highway in our VW Bus and I suggested she strip down and come sit on my lap to let the roadway aid in our humping as we sped down the highway. After building to quite the crescendo but not able to get over the top we had to pull over and finish on the side of the road. Or the time that we had been working in the yard all day long and she said she had to go inside. As I finished up I realised my overfilled bladder was aching for relief. We only had one bath and the door was closed (quite unusual). I knew Just knew I could wait, but as time dragged on my cock grew and grew more rigid and that just increased the urge, so I go to the door and pressed my ear to the door and was surprised to hear not only water running but soft moaning. It was the soft moaning that made me quietly turn the knob and ease the door ajar. Then the moaning became even more pronounced . I could tell the motion had not distracted her and I became more curious and horny forgetting my splitting bladder. The shower curtain was wide open so I could see that she was not only sitting in the bottom of the tub but her ass was pushed up against the front wall of the tub laying back on her elbow barely supporting her head upright. As I entered I spied her neck and chest was glowing red, the way it does when she's embarrassed or orgasming. Entering more the rest of her body comes in to full view there the water from the nozzle flooding her pussy beating her labia opening her vagina up exposing her clit and honey hole., from her throat came guttural noises of the exploding excitement when she opens her eyes to see that I have dropped my jeans beating my super hard dick off with beads of sweat dripping from my forehead. She begged me to come urgently! I told her I needed to piss to bad to come. Something came of her face! Something like I'd never seen before. A look of adventure and anticipated satisfaction as she pushed off from the wall scooting back in the tub she stared patting her throbbing cunt and said, "DO IT HERE. PISS ON MY CLIT" Very quickly stripping off the rest of clothes, I stepped over into the tub and tried to push the tip of my dick down to aim at her gaping twat. My dick refused to be bent over and even worse my need to void had become epic but I couldn't "let go" Finally after what seemed like an eternity a trickly of golden juice dropped from the end of my still up turned shaft followed by a stream flowing from a more relaxed spout and I was able to aim with accuracy. Her voice came from another place. Low and deep building in volume and intensity Finally a roar of strained orgasm like she'd never let out of her inner self before and the effect was immediate and urgent on me and my member, making me hard again before I was done pissing I needed to be inside her and finish my pissing there along with my sperm. As soon as we could stand together cause never of us could on our own without help we both know this was going to become an integral part of our love making. But I had never asked for anal sex from her. it was a long weekend rainy and kind of dreary out and we'd made love in every possible position including a session of Golden showers . I finally decided it was time.... | ||
Friday, May 31, 2013, 5:01:59 PM- PREVIOUS NN MEMBER SENTENCED TO JAIL TIME | ||||||
Friday, April 26, 2013, 4:11:18 AM- Love at first sight | ||||||
excuse this diversion as I have no other place to put this... There are many kinds of love. There is the kind of love you feel for object; oh I just love that. There is the kind of love you feel for places or times. Then there are the kinds of love you feel for people, and there are at least two kinds of that love... a love that is bourn over time and tribulation that suffers together and apart, that kind of love that develops over time. But there is a very special kind of love that many do not believe in or that it is real or can even happen. Love at first sight. I have long pondered that question, whether there can actually be a love like that or whether it is just lust or longing. But sitting here tonight of all nights, right after a rejection, it comes to me… we all do it at one point or another, the question is if we believe it’s really happening. As things go, I was intermingling these thoughts with visions and memories of my child, and suddenly I knew the answer. Love at first sight is most definitely possible and long lasting and as beautiful as the one long sought and fought for. I know this now because it happened to me…the morning my Daughter was born. Until that moment my wife was pregnant and bitchy and thorny and cranky and generally unlovable but I was committed to her. Then in an instant there she was a whole person that I really didn't know, all I knew was I was in love with her. So you see, love at first sight is possible. And no matter what detractors say, it is real, and if nurtured it is as powerful and yes as devastating as the other kinds. | ||||||
Monday, April 22, 2013, 1:33:51 AM- Videos with background noise | ||||||
Here I am all set, waiting to see some sexy videos from some of our sexy friends and fellow NNers and there they are doing all sorts of sexy things but what's this... the News is on? Or a ball game... or a Nascar race, etc. ???? can we say MOOD BREAKER? | ||||||
Monday, February 18, 2013, 1:59:08 AM- Cold Hard Reality | ||||||
There is nothing like your child telling you that you've let her down to drive the spike of cold hard reality deep into your chest and make you question everthing. I sent an e-mail to my sister and daughter to announce my impending retirement. My sister called me almost immeditely after I hit send. That was a nice conversation compared to the call I got this afternoon while on my way to view the potential rentals we'd chatted about. By the end of the conversation, I was low and dejected and remain depressed. I realized how foolish I've been thinking that there was a glimmer of hope for my own happiness and how much time I have wasted as well as resources chasing unattainable dreams. I feel like cutting all ties with trying to wrangle any Happiness from the remainder of my life. | ||||||
Thursday, October 25, 2012, 2:39:48 AM- BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH QUESTION | ||||||
Recently, I've met a woman more my contemporary to my age, and she was fired up the instant we met. The first time we were together she was embarrassed and wanted to cover her body with the lights out. Now I am visually stimulated so Lights Action Camera and eventually the lights came on. She shrieked. See she'd been diagnosed several years ago with Breast Cancer and underwent a double mastectomy. She's super sexy but has no feeling in her reconstructed breast and no nipples either. My questions for the Bloggers are: 1) Guys how would you handle this situation? 2) Gals would you feel as sexy if this happened to you? 3) For the gals again, would you allow pictures and videos of yourself? | ||||||
Saturday, October 6, 2012, 1:20:58 AM- Should I finish this and mail it ? | ||||||
I start out with her name. This is hard to write. The card I picked out, because it comes so closely to how deeply my feeling run for you. But it is only close and does not come as close as I'd like. I remember the first time seeing you. Not the day or the circumstances but how I felt. Up until June I knew my place as a patient. No more or less, friendly, lingering just a few extra moments to be near you. But it was only a fantasy, that is until you make it real. I know how much shit you've been through and how confused and twisted it must be for you, just being there, living in your situation. I've seen you knotted up inside and resigned to accept a less than satisfactory marriage. I've compounded things (and maybe I am again) But I feel that I must put down how I feel. There is nothing that makes me happier that hearing from you. Either by text or a phone call fills me with all manner of hope and my soul takes flight, and I listen to whatever you say, no matter how long the call is or the topics, and I crash to Earth with a thud when the call ends. Mondays or Wednesdays nites are special because I just might have a conversation with you. Your random calls or text messages during the week catch me off guard and pleasantly so. I can never get enough. My office visits have become a ploy to get alone with you, hugs and kisses are my sole reason for my trips to the Doctors Office. The in between time is pure misery! I want to be with you talking, touching, and kissing you ....... <<< I haven't finished this and want input on whether I should or not, mail it or not. | ||||||
Thursday, September 6, 2012, 6:31:21 AM- Update on my last-broken hearted | ||
The last time I came here to log my experiences and feelings I was freshly hurt and so time has gone by. I had told her that she was and would be my last love. I have been through the full range of emotions from anger to self loathing. I was angry with her. I was angry with myself. Late at nite I find myself melancholy and on the verge of tears. Such a thing for a man my age to be going through over a month long love affair. I can't imagine spending the rest of my life in this state. Of course my friends here have been providing support whether they knew it or not by giving me a place to come and get excited and forget and dream of intimate encounters. But today I had to have a procedure that required a valium (chewed not swallowed) I was so out of it that when I was in the recovery unit being monitored I grabbed my phone and was sending SMS's out to whoever and by accident I sent HER an almost intelligible text. Can you imagine my surprise when she replied to me and ... there's a possibility still. Now what do I do with the 3 other gals I am currently fucking now???? Oh my Troubles never cease... | ||
Sunday, August 19, 2012, 3:06:07 AM- Broke my own heart. | ||||||
I've been seeing the same Dr for about 5 years now. On my very first visit his nurse came in to take vitals and history and my heart, but she was married. I had to put what I was feeling in the back of my mind and reason that this gorgeous creature was just going to be a welcome relief to my boring everyday life. We began talking and over the months and years we got more and more personal. It even got to some intimate detail of our personal lives. We became more and more comfortable. Last year the conversations started centering around her marital difficulties. Then in March she announced she was moving out and my heart jumped in my throat. I made an offer of my truck and help with her move and I gave her my cell phone. With that I got bold and took her hands in mine and leaned in and kissed her cheek. On June 13th she called and my asshole cramped shut as I thought she was calling as my nurse. Then the heart stopped when she asked, " What are you doing?, wanna do something together?" I showed up at her place and had to just had to Kiss her to get it out of the way. She talked about things we were going to do in the future. By the 4th of July we'd slept together making out but when it got time to fuck I couldn't. I over thought the situation as she was holing my cock ready to guide it in her pussy I thought, shit she's still married and I couldn't. the following weekend we went to her mother's house away and it turned out to be her brothers birthday, and we slept in the same bed. We'd been talking and kissing and holding and everything short of sex until the Sunday of that weekend. Then on the way home she broke out several cds to listen to on the way back which i thought was weird. I had fallen in love with this woman 16 yrs my junior. I trusted her completely because until that day we'd shared everything openly. But listening to music with no conversation was different. I felt something was up. I didnt ask. The following weekend she made plans to return to her Mother's and I had plans to visit my daughter at college ... we were saying we loved one another, talked and sent text messages. I made it back to my neck of the woods and she called me and told me that she'd decided to go back to her husband because of lots of drama but she assured me it was only temporary. The short of the story is that we aren't talking now. She has told me it was never her intent to hurt my feelings and she's said she loves me. And I have finally realized that I have been used and used to the max and I let is all happen I gave my permission for her to hurt me and it SUCK! Sucks donkey dicks. | ||||||
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