- XX-Access
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- 43 years old
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- Joined 20 years ago
- Active more than a year ago
XX-Access's Blog
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Thursday, October 23, 2008, 3:53:55 AM- Girls kissing Girls ... right way & wrong way | ||||||
Kind of a popular topic lately, isn't it ? Lots of song, lots of talk. Usually, I'd welcome that, being an obvious proponent of gay right and all the related jazz. But I'm angry. Why am I angry about all the song and all the talk, you ask ? Because it's all backwards. Regarding rights and acceptance, it's become obvious that western society seems to be marching backwards hell-bent on wronging some rights. Don't believe me ? Well, let's have a look at exibit A, a song called "I kissed a girl"... Not by Katy Perry, but by Jill Sobule, in 1995. [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SclQZ4W2VZ0[/url] I like this song. It's happy. It's positive. It's all about self-discovery and finding the right life, the right person, regardless of gender conventions. It's about love. No overblown drama, no angst, just a happy little bit of love. Key phrase: "I kissed a girl, won't change the world, but I'm so glad I kissed a girl" See, that's a good one because it sums it all up. It's no big deal. It won't change society. It's just what some of us silly humans need to be happy. This is the right message. Now, as much as I'd like to avoid it, let's have a look at exibit B. You know what's coming, I know what's coming, let's cut to the chase. [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVoOXvCgf6s[/url] Quite a different affair, isn't it ? Even the video shows the differences clearly. No playful silliness, no bright colors. Instead, we get our standard "sinful decadence" setting and bodies moving seductively in slow motion while the almost-threatening club beat stomps away. And what does Miss Perry tell us about it all ? ---------------- "No, I don't even know your name It doesn't matter, You're my experimental game Just human nature, It's not what, Good girls do Not how they should behave My head gets so confused Hard to obey" ---------------- Key phrase: "I kissed a girl and I liked it The taste of her cherry chap stick I kissed a girl just to try it I hope my boyfriend don't mind it" Yep. She even... Actually, scratch that. This is clearly a designer piece. Marketing. Not the effort of a musician. So.... They even had the nerve to include that boyfriend line, just in case that, heaven forbid, somebody actually thinks that we have a real lesbian on our hands. Eww, no ! Who'd like a girl who doesn't !@#$ boys ? We clearly can't have that. The implications are clear. Thirteen years after Jill Sobule got it all damn right, we're back to looking at lesbian relationships as nothing more than a forbidden kink. A porn movie fantasy. "Woah, look at what a naughty, naughty slut I am, boys". Way to go, Katy. Way to go, Capitol Records. I hereby congratulate you for your valiant efforts in setting both the movements of gay and women's rights back by at least thirteen years. Your contributions to the ongoing effort of reducing women to vapid and disposable sex objects have inspired many. I'm sure that all the homosexual (and bisexual and heterosexual, for that matter) women of the world will be eternally grateful for greedy assholes like you and your crafty ways of making tons of money by spreading their sexist and condescending image of women. If any of these women happen to be inclined to express their gratitude with the aid of torches, pitchforks and possibly baseball bats with huge nails driven through the top... Would you mind a guy who's just itching to tag along ? | ||||||
Friday, October 10, 2008, 3:15:51 PM- Somehow Shallow | ||||||
There is something that has been going through my head lately and has been dug up and put right on top of the mental pile by almost losing my friendship with someone who might prefer not to be named on here and .. a blog of somebody not to be named here, either. The way I end up picking my friends is terrible. Mind you, the friends are not, but I keep noticing that I practically solely dedicate my friendship to gorgeous people. There is not one ugly person in my little (ex- clusively online, by the way) circle of friends. What does that make me ? A shallow bastard, I suppose. Now, it's not like I would be friends with a hot airbrain. I don't think that I could stand that for even a few minutes. But doesn't that actually make it worse ? Isn't it awfully decadent of me to "pick out" an "elite" group of amazing people ? It's not really a conscious effort, mind you. But that's where I am drawn and it is what it ends up being. It just seems that it makes me a... not very good person, so... I wonder how to fix it. | ||||||
Tuesday, October 7, 2008, 5:57:14 AM- What a relief. | ||||||
The world is looking better to me today than it did yesterday. | ||||||
Saturday, September 20, 2008, 6:47:35 PM- I should've known... | ||||||
... That'd I'd be the one to screw it up. That's how it has always been, and that's how it always will be. | ||||||
Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 9:46:46 PM- I'm not "looking", but if I was (which I am not) | ||||||
... Well, I wouldn't actually know who and what I'm looking for. I have to admit that, whenever I see comments on my pictures here or another site I post on (about as often), I check the commenter's profile. Age, gender, location, preferences... I can't help but look for those who fit my "compatibility range". And what for ? Nothing ! I know that I just don't have the option of ever entertaining such relationships. My life isn't set up for it. But even if I could... I just don't think that I'd ever really be happy. No matter how beautifully things would work out.... I can't help being miserable. Filled with hope and desire for something... better. Meaning. Purpose. Happiness. But that's just an illusion, far from reality. And so I will forever mourn the loss of what I never had.. because it just doesn't exist. | ||||||
Thursday, May 1, 2008, 7:22:20 PM- The First of May. | ||||||
[url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDDeWROvi8s[/url] Time to go outside. That is all. | ||||||
Saturday, February 23, 2008, 12:41:28 AM- Last Night | ||||||
She is a goddess. Wonderful, unreachable, no matter how close she seems to be. It is all I really know. I'm not sure how I got here. I don't even know where "here" is. It is not important. The rest I lie in is oddly comfortable, even as confined as it is. It fits the contures of my body perfectly.. both below and above me. The upper half that that covers me only has openings for my mouth, nostrils and for my eyes. Usually, this would be uncomfortable, even claustrophobic. But right now, it is just right. For just beyond this constriction, there's her. I thought that I had known her for years. But I never really knew what I witness at this moment. In a way, she still's still the same woman... Her aware eyes, her full hair, her slender lips... But there is something else now. Something so warm and serene, something overwhelming. Something burns within her, and I've never seen before it was bright enough to blind me. I'm blind enough to see now. She is above me. In every way. Her white, pearlescent garments produce a silent rattle, as she moves just enough to enchant me with her swaying. She is speaking to me, and even though I don't understand the words, I know what she is saying. She's filling my senses with her warmth, her passion, her heavenly love. She knows that I want to be with her, hold her, merge with her. But whatever happens, happens on her terms. I strain against my coverings, trying to see her closer, take in her scent, maybe reach her with my tongue. Longing. Sweet agony. She rewards my struggle with a fleeting kiss, as she slips off her garment. My arms are free now, and without a word, she allows me to caress her waist. Suddenly, she is far away from me. I must be upright, as I can still see her on the other side of the room. I see the place we are in for the first time. It is a temple of old, but clearly built in modern times. The perfect place to worship a perfect woman. She is clothed again, lying on an invory-like bench suspended above a pool of water that I know to be warm. She is still looking at me, smiling so warmly, still affirming, and entirely in control. Around her are other women. But there really aren't any other women in her presence. They are merely framework. Knowingly, she slips into the water with divine grace. I hesitate for a moment, as an unseen voice warns me about lacking the proper preparation for excellence. Won't everyone see my arousal straining against my clothes ? Do I have to be ashamed ? It can't matter. Not while she is there. Not when I could be with her. I slip out of my confinement and drop into the water. The water is welcoming. I have no difficulty holding my breath as I approach her elegant shape gliding through the silent warmth. She smiles at me as I take hold of her arm in a slow spin. I wake. | ||||||
Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 12:32:49 AM- Short clarification about the previous blog entry | ||||||
Okay, I think I've made a major mistake regarding clarity in my previous blog entry... So, just to make it clear: During Sleep Paralysis, you are technically already awake. The issue is that the brain and the body aren't communicating right, which leads to hallucinations. So struggling to get out of it won't hurt you... It's almost guaranteed to be a little frustrating, though. | ||||||
Monday, January 28, 2008, 10:57:34 PM- Just woke up. Oh wait, I didn't. | ||||||
Recently, I've revisited a place I hadn't been to for quite a while. It wasn't New York or Paris or Rome... I've never been in those places. The place I'm talking about is much closer, but much harder to visit... at least inten- tionally. I usually wind up there by chance. It's the place between sleeping and waking. No, I haven't turned into Lewis Carol, Alan Moore or the nutjob living down the street (is there much of a dif- ference, though ?). I am talking about a relatively obscure medical condition called Sleep Paralysis. In case you never heard of it (which is likely) - Allow me to explain a little bit. Sleep happens in different phases. The deepest and most well-known part of each sleep cycle is the REM phase. REM stands for rapid eye movement, which occurs because the eyes move in accord with what we "see" in our dreams. This is a normal occurence. In order to keep the rest of the body from acting out what goes on in dreamland, the human body releases a hormonal cocktail that effectively paralyses all major muscle groups with the exception of internal organs and parts of the face. The commands from the brain no longer reach the body. This is a good thing, because people would run against walls a lot at night if it didn't happen, and that would drive insurance payments through the roof. In fact, it might drive people through the roof, too. Or through windows. Down the stairs, into one another... you get the picture. However, what happens when the "command routes" aren't cleared when you wake up ? Imagine waking up in the middle of the night. At least you are pretty sure that it is the middle of the night, be- cause you can't see a thing. You are trying to get up, but you can't. You can't do anything. You arms won't lift, your legs won't scramble the sheets, your back won't rise from the mattress. You have no idea what is going on, and you're starting to panic a little. Well, that's sleep paralysis. Now, before you start worrying too much.. it's harmless. The condition usually passes within seconds or minutes, and, unless they know better, most people just assume that they were dreaming. Speaking of dreaming - There is another, most peculiar symptom to sleep paralysis. Apparently most likely related to the understandable anxiety that comes with the confused state of waking up as an oversized paper- weight, the brain starts conjuring up random audatory, sensory and sometimes visual scenery to explain this fine mess to the conscious. In other words, you hallu- cinate a little. What exactly you hear, feel and/or see is up to you; Or rather, it's up to your subconscious. It's fairly common to think that there's something heavy on your chest, pushing you down into the bed. A lot of people hear strange, random and unnerving noises. A particularly religious person might perceive a demon trying to take hold of them; daytime talkshow viewers might believe to experience an xxxxxxxxx by aliens, complete with floating out the window and being probed somewhere in a spaceship. In fact, some re- searchers believe that the idea of alien xxxxxxxxxs in fact stems from sleep paralysis, becoming progressively more specific and detailed as sufferers heard descrip- tions of such xxxxxxxxxs in the media and pulled them from their subconscious during episodes. Fortunately enough, a good way to avoid such b-movies playing out in your head during sleep paralysis is simple: Realizing what is going on. As an "informed" sleep paralysis patient (I use the term loosely here, as I am not receiving medical treatment), I perceive the episodes as what they are - A mild annoyance and kinda interesting at the same time. That is not to say that I'm not experiencing hallucinations... But mine (and those of countless others) are rather mundane. I can still perceive a heavy weight on my chest, but I realize that it's really just the blanket or my own arms. I see myself lifting those arms when I try, even though I might not be moving them yet. That's admitably a little vexing. If you are now sitting in front of your screen with the elated expression that comes with finally figuring out what happened to you all those nights, here are a few words of advice for you. There is no surefire way to avoid sleep paralysis, but there are things that help. Keep a healthy and steady sleep schedule. Try to live healthy in general. There seem to be medical ways to reduce the likelyhood of an episode, too.. But that is generally not recommen- dable, as those would needlessly strain your mind and body disproportionally. Rather try not to sleep on your back, as that appears to be the most common position for sleep paralysis to occur. (Personally, I almost never experience the phenomenom when I sleep on my side) If and when you happen to slip into this confusing state upon waking up, the best advice is to stay calm. If you don't panic, you won't see or hear anything out of the ordinary, except maybe exaggerated versions of the normal noises around you (silently ticking clock becomes loud ticking noise). To come out of it, try to speak or make small movements like wiggling your fingers or toes. Don't be upset if it doesn't work right away - I went through the entire alphabet song before I was fully awake last time. Staying calm, you might even fall back asleep and wake up again regularly a little later. Just remember - You're not going insane or losing control of your body. It's merely a little flub that will work itself out in a minute. If you'd like to find out more about sleep paralysis and it's causes, I recommend having a look at one of the following links: [url]http://www.spis.org.uk/[/url] [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_paralysis[/url] [url]http://csicop.org/doubtandabout/sleep/[/url] [url]http://www.wikihow.com/Cope-With-Sleep-Paralysis[/url] PS: You could theoretically try to go back and try to conjure up some more pleasant, maybe even delightfully naughty hallucinations.. but it probably won't work if you absent-mindedly roll onto your side like I did last time. Damn ! | ||||||
Friday, January 4, 2008, 2:11:16 AM- Kissing | ||||||
Kissing is a curious thing to me. While I have had the regular share of innocent childhood family affection kisses (long term, isn't it ?), I have not had the chance to engage in the romantic version of the activity. And so, I wonder. It is such a strange thing, isn't it ? Pressing lips against one another, parting them, moving, tongues, saliva... taken out of context, it seems downright repulsive. Definitely unsanitary. What is it that compels people do engage in such a bizarre act ? Of course I am aware of the biology. The pheromones. The ritualism. The tribe culture and evolutionary drive. But aren't we, as humans, also conscious, self-aware beings ? How can our minds tune out what is actually going on ? Maybe it has to do with conditioning. In modern society, we are born into a world of flickering lights and endless supplies of ever-new stories that are all the same old things at the core. Kissing is glorified, romanticized, and overused as an everlasting symbol of affection. Is it this that compels us ? Is it true that some isolated tribes of the human kind are not doing it at all ? And why would they ? It is silly. It is pointless. It even spreads diseases. And yet, and yet, and yet... I find myself wishing that I had the chance. Just once. And then again and again and again. | ||||||
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