- sarina5169
- 44 years old
- Female
- Joined 18 years ago
- Active more than a year ago
sarina5169's Blog
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Sunday, September 4, 2011, 1:00:02 AM- WOW! | ||||||
The forum sure is quiet this evening....guess i'll just have to go check out naked folks ![]() | ||||||
Saturday, December 18, 2010, 2:57:58 AM- EEK! | ||||||
7.5 sleeps to go!!!!(the half represents the fact i should already be sleeping) Am so excited, probably more so than the kids hehehe. As would be expected i have caught the 'man-flu' (hey equality says that females can have it too these days lol)Have nearly fallen asleep a few times...then burst into fits of coughs or sneezes...grrrr!My temp is going through the roof, so i went into the garden for a while...and guess what? ITS SNOWING!!!!!!!!(i know most uk'ers, at least Scottish ukers are sick of it already, but *i* ain't)Here's hoping for a white christmas! So what gets you lot in the xmassy spirit then? for me its the coca cola trucks advert, the Pogues Fairytale of New York and snow, all three have been in abundance this festive season and i'm at an all time xmassy high(and i ain't even got around to sipping the eggnog yet ![]() Well, gonna say it in advance, *just incase* i don't get an xmas blog done, i wish you all a very merry xmas, filled with joy and love, surrounded by those that matter most. I hope Santa is very good to all you good boys and girls. Best wishes for all that 2011 may bring, wishing you all health, wealth, love and happiness....and lots of shoes and sexy times hehehehe Ser xxxxx | ||||||
Thursday, January 1, 2009, 2:16:59 AM- HAPPY NEW` YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | ||||||
Hope 2009 brings you all health and happiness! Having a busy time here.....cheers people! Welcome 2009! Ser xxxxx | ||||||
Thursday, December 11, 2008, 5:16:38 AM- sleeplessness and anal sex | ||||||
in my case sleeplessness is caused by over horniness...now i'll start somewhere in the middle because the start was too long ago..... Ok, so as many had guessed we hadn't been playing for a while, with Fin's birth so early and all the worries, then Bri's show's, then getting sterilized we just had more on our plate. We always missed it, but i was very aware of returning to the swinging scene too early. Every time we have a break and decide to return it takes on a whole new different angle, like further development, further understanding and so many good psycological effects, its not just the extra sex, its understanding myself more, what i want and enjoy, what i have outgrown etc. A few weeks ago we decided to get back into the swing of things,so to speak, but its different this time, we have no sitters, so we rarely get to play together with others....it felt really odd at first, but i'm finding new kinkiness in the situation, one of us goes out and does something naughty , takes some pics.....for the other half, not as momento's, but to share it with each other, whilst one experienced it, the other has to rely on the one who was there, its creating alot of dirty talk, although we love to share what we have experienced together, its new and we are both loving it! (i'm missing the first few encounters out on purpose, they deserve a blog of their own...as does my b'day weekend where we did get sitters for BOTH kids on the same night!) Tonight for instance, i had a meet arranged, no sitter, Bri stayed at home looking after the kids, i was supposed to be meeting a guy in Glasgow, he had a family disaster and had to cancel. I decided to still continue with the rest of the plan, i was meeting the guy from the latest pics afterwards, so went to his, where he invited a friend over for a 3sum.....i'm a lucky girl, i got 3 loads of cum, 1 in my bum and 2 in my pussy.I just love it! Came home and me and Bri have been at it like bunnies as i told him about it, so have another 3 loads....which didn't help my sleeplessness situ.... I'll try to explain, the excitement, the naughtiness, the cum, feeling slightly raw and throbby down there...well, it lasts for hours afterwards, there is no way on earth i could get to sleep feeling like this, i feel so relaxed, but buzzing from it all at the same time.... My horniness is driving me to insomnia, and the more i feed my horniness, the bigger its appetite.....round in a circle..... I always had such problems doing anal, but now i'm loving it, i insist on cummy bummy.....can't believe it! I have been SO missing out all these years....i don't know what changed...or what caused the change, but boy am i happy that it has changed! .....even if i never sleep again! hahahahaha hugs n kisses to everyone......i think i'll leave the mind wandering ramblings for now....stay horny! | ||||||
Thursday, December 11, 2008, 4:30:07 AM- time to blog again.... | ||||||
but this time i don't even know what i want to blog about......i've got so many things running around in my head, tonight there are no big ones....just wee thoughts fleeting through. I'm feeling the love around lately, not just on NN, but on other boards(non-adult) and in life in general....i close myself off alot without meaning to, but i have finally scraped the odd second of two to chat with those around me, it made me realize that i'm surrounded by some wonderful friends(i always knew that bit lol) and that i should try to do it more often...but when i do grab a little time, its minutes.....i think i may have just gotten run down with the daily grind.... With all the sh!t in the world it is easy to just hide and see the world as bad and untrustworthy...i mean sure, there are many that are bad and untrustworthy but there are so many more who are not those things, i have discovered some of the sweetest most beautiful souls ever made in the past wee while....it makes me happy, it makes me want to be a better person every second of the day...its hope, that the world isn't going to hell in a handbasket....i'm trying to surround myself in those people and ignoring the others that life says you gotta deal with even at a distance lol...oh gawd, listen to me..... now by all that, you probably think life was sh!t for a while, it wasn't, its been good, which i find odd when i re-read the above, but its how its all coming out.....so thats the way it is! I think i stopped learning and growing through that time, life was good, but i was stagnant? maybe? can't think of the words....my friends have re-started another growth spurt, a new learning curve....but its all over life, not just in certain area's...i think i might be starting to grow up, i don't know whether to be scared or excited.....atm, i'm both, the first 6 months of this year were horrendous, so stressful, i think when things started to ease up a little i got complacent(sp) now i feel like it was wasted time....and i don't like that feeling, so now forward....onwards and upwards and all that ![]() So, hope!(i feel a little like Billy Connelly, jumping back to an earlier part of the act lol, wonder how many of these thoughts will just trail off-i know what i'm like when i get started pmsl)yes HOPE, thats what i feel, well, i think thats what it is, not like faith or something certain and written in stone, but just at the possibilities, not that i have got that far yet, but it feels like i'd like to see where this all ends up, you know? what i'll have learned in a years time, the way i see people, how close i can allow myself to get.....i will freely admit that most won't understand what the hell i'm talking about, i'm not sure i understand fully myself yet, but you will all be thinking 'look at the pics you post, you are not the withheld type' not sexually, i'm very confident in that area(not in a big headed sense, just i'm happy with where i'm at and stopping to enjoy things throughout the journey)but i know i have issues, i don't know where they stem from, but i feel like my private feelings are private, to even those closest to me, its not an issue as such, it doesn't cause any problems, but i'd like to be able to not feel quite so vulrenable to be open with those i see as close to me, i have been taking the steps to rectify that and am feeling huge changes already...but i do wonder why? i have complete honesty and trust with Bri, but i find it hard to be so open with others, hence this monster blog of mindless thoughts.....i feel a few blogs coming on, this was supposed to be about many issues, and i haven't even began....i get stuck pondering and jumping from one subject to another that could possibly, loosely be linked somewhere in my head..... off to find something else to talk about, i'm so tired my brain is in shutdown....but i still can't sleep.....i know why i can't sleep...ohhhh i can blog about that lmao, thats more fun and interesting than my insomniac head | ||||||
Thursday, October 30, 2008, 3:18:42 PM- I love my heels........... | ||||||
"When I wear my Killer Heels men will GASP with passion, lust and longing, and girls will SIGH with envy and dispair. For I shall be the total queen of HOTNESS and they shall be my humble faithful SLAVES."-Edward Monkton Gee, i love my heels, they make me feel sexy! Feeling lazy today,The kids are at Bri's mums(its the first time we've had both of them gone at the same time ![]() Stay naughty...... Ser xxxxx | ||||||
Sunday, May 18, 2008, 1:54:35 PM- just a wee quickie to update all on the last couple of weeks | ||||||
Wee Fin's blood transfusion went well, he is already back having milk from a bottle and is out of the incubator!Found out the news yesterday morning, what a great start to the day! Bri also won his class yesterday,heavyweight ukbff scottish champ! was up most of the night celebrating!!!!!!! What a year its been and what a week too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | ||||||
Friday, November 9, 2007, 4:00:25 PM- OMG!!!!!!! | ||||||
i just realized how depressing my last blog sounded. what i was trying to say was this...... there is a thousand million reasons as to why we shouldn't go through with this, why its a bad idea....and as usual, we are ignoring them and just being happy...........i'm having trouble keeping the 'secret' lol, i went to visit my gran and slipped up, i said i couldn't believe that for the first time in my life i was the 'right weight for my height' that i had managed to put on enough weight to have the doctor NOT lecture me on the subject....ooopppssss, i said i went in for a check up, but i think she could tell there was more to it. She did respect me by not asking any questions....but i think she is suspicious(she always can tell if i'm holding something back) anyways, i'l write more when i get the chance, hope everyone is having a great day!!!!!! | ||||||
Tuesday, November 6, 2007, 10:26:45 PM- Its a secret!!!!!!!!! | ||||||
Sorry, i know i'm supposed to be writing part 3, about the club etc but......i've got a huge secret.........i'm pregnant again!!!!! I NEED to tell someone, it already feels great to have got it out and i haven't even posted this blog yet! We are keeping it secret from our families until we know everything is going to be ok, after the way the scan appointments went when i was pregnant the first time with our gorgeous wee lass we want to know what(if any) medical complications there are gonna be so that we can just tell them all at the same time, as we know they would worry themselves sick at the prospect of facing the same again, possibly worse. The genetics department at the hospital reckon there is only a 15% chance of any further kids having the same syndrome, but i have researched on my own and found lots of evidence otherwise, but anyway....... I was not trying to fall pregnant, i was, in fact, on the pill and wasn't even thinking about having more kids.This is bad timing and we are a feeling a little out of our depth, i mean we are really shitting ourselves, its very overwhelming.We could have been more financially stable, and had this been planned we would have been so before considering having more.....the wee one we already have has surgery upcoming and will need lots of aftercare....i have not long recovered from being very ill.... we are a little (actually a lot) short on space in the house we are in, but we are happy about it and are willing to do whatever it takes to deal with whatever happens, we must be crazy!!!! I don't wanna talk about the bad bits(you know, the blood tests, the anti-D injections, back ache, foot ache, swollen ankles,the labour which goes on for 20 hours for the docs to send you off for an emergency C-section ![]() SO........ WOOHOO to the pregnancy horniness,WOOHOO to buying loads of new baby stuff, WOOHOO to no periods, WOOHOO WOOHOO WOOHOO to taking some big bump sexy pics and a MASSIVE WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO to huge milky mummy boobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But i could go on all month as to why its such wonderful news, but your all probably bored by now, lol. I'm off to bake some cookies in a very motherly manner ![]() | ||||||
Wednesday, October 31, 2007, 9:32:44 PM- | ||||||
weekend just passed...part 2 ah shit, its the alarm, Bri puts the kettle on for a cuppa and i slowly come to,Bri helps me dye my hair, then we hold each others shower buttons in ( i know, how romantic!)we get dressed, pack the bag(i forget to put the gaviscon in my bag-gonna have alot of sore bellies tomorrow) slip the nights clothes and coller into my bag, slip into my jeans and glass 6"heels and call a taxi, we're running late and just hope that none of our lot are up first! We arrive at the venue and as we enter we see one of our girls, looking stressed and nervous, she tells us its the masters classes that are on stage at the moment, then its the 2 womens figure classes and then hers and our other lass's class:womens physique, the lads won't be on till later, phew! we're not letting anyone down!We have a wee blether, then go for a look around the shows sponsors stalls, i spy a lovely plum and lilac training vest and have to buy it, anyway, on with the show......we sit down and get the camera out, it wont focus and starts to play up, aarrrggggg, eventually we give up as we know lots of folk who are taking pics too ![]() The Masters classes were amazing, they consist of over 40's and over 50's(years of age)One guy was 62 and all i can say is HOLY SHIT!!!! Then the womens figure classes come onto the stage, oh my goodness, this is usually my favourite part of the show, they all look so graceful, i sit transfixed, i have never seen a womens line up this large, both classes have aroung 20+ women!Awesome, just awesome. Next up is womens physique, thats the class our girlies are in, we have helped with as much as we could, its time for them to do their bit!We watch as the girls file on stage, they all have such different physiques, but our two were better conditioned from everyone, now, on the day, it all depends on what the judges are looking for, some prefer the shredded look(i do) and some prefer a little layer of water so that the results are not quite as 'ripped' looking. I'm a stickler for condition, i want the winner to have a wonderful shape, nice round muscle bellies, be symmetrical, and most definately ripped, ripped beyond beleif, until the skin layer is so thin that you can see the sinewy muscle fibres that come from muscle maturity but the call outs for comparisons seemed very strange, it was looking like the judges were favouring the not so ripped look, all but 1 of our guys and gals were ripped beyond belief, we'll have to wait till the night show to find out the results and placings of everyone. ![]() ![]() this was the womens physique, wow! i didn't know anyone in mens class four(under 5'6", i think, please do correct me if i'm wrong) but had a great time screaming for the guy i thought was best. Class 3 (5'6-5'8" ![]() Class 2(5'8-5'10) mens, we have a guy in this class, he is looking fab, he is not the biggest guy for sure, but he definately is ripped, only one or 2 can match him condition wise, i'm screaming support and realise i had better slow down as i would have no voice left for the evening show. Got a couple of pics from class 2: ![]() ![]() The show continues and it dawns on me that our guy who was to compete in the pro am class doesn't come on now, he will take stage at the very end of the night, after the 'dinner break'(normally known as an interval, but big guys need to eat regularly,so its a dinner break) after all the other classes winners have been announced, holy goosepimples, at least the others can go and eat something yummy after they have been judged in the afternoon, this poor guy had to sit all through everyone else around him stuffing their faces with chocolate and cake, poor wee soul just looked miserable. I, however, was having a GREAT time, i had never seen so many semi naked people running around, everyone in bikini or trunks and everyone was so friendly, i was just chatting to anyone who was around me, well anyone who spoke english!We had just under 100 folks from around our area show up to support our team, the noise we made was shocking! Everyone was trying to use hand signals for those who didn't speak english, it was hilarious, all these orange tanned men and women waving their arms around trying to find a way to get their point across! We're all off for something to eat before the evening show, where the winners are announced, we pass by the wee swingers pub we intend to go to (during the day its a normal seaside bar) there are groups of lads having a drink, lots of laughter, it all feels like its working out. Now your gonna have to wait till tomorrow for the next part, sorry but it was a long weekend.... | ||||||
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