Got a bit bored yesterday so I started to write a novel.
Just as in the clock the result of the complex action of innumerable wheels and pulleys is merely the slow and regular movement of the hand marking the time, so the result of all the complex human activities of these 2,378,014 NN'ers - of all their passions, hopes, regrets, humiliations, sufferings, outbursts of pride, fear and enthusiasm - was only the loss of the battle of Austerlitz, the battle of the three Emperors, as it was called; that is to say, a slow movement of the hand on the dick of human history.
Gazing into Napoleon's eyes, Prince Andrei mused on the unimportance of dick size, the unimportance of dick size which no one could understand, and the still greater unimportance of dick size, the meaning of which no one alive could understand or explain.
Ain't exactly War & Peace but not bad, eh? |